Volunteer Opportunities - Sign Up Now!
Contact us now, to see if you are a good fit for one of our OPEN volunteer roles.
Donate when you shop at Ralphs see instructions,
Buy a beautiful painting of a young Tuareg girl that was donated to us by the artist, or help us sell it – PAINTING HERE - purchase is a tax deductable donation.
Donate every time you SEARCH the web, download our GoodSearch toolbar,
Buy a beautiful painting of a young Tuareg girl that was donated to us by the artist, or help us sell it – PAINTING HERE - purchase is a tax deductable donation.
Help us sell some of Gil Garcetti’s photography books which he donated to us, “Water is Key”, each can also be autographed. Purchase is a tax deductable donation. See BOOK HERE
Find a Celebrity Spokesperson for NomadHope – we are looking for a famous musician or athlete to represent our programs in Mali (no travel required). This entails integration with our marketing materials and our website, and other marketing efforts. A tie in to Education, Africa, Mali, Soccer, Jazz or Blues would be ideal! EMAIL us.
Buy a NomadHope T-Shirt, give a logo gift, spread the word SHOP HERE
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